LED Lighting Vision System Peripheral Equipment CA-D Series

High-Intensity, Large Bar Lights Large lights that can even be used with a long working distance

Can even be used with a working distance of 3000 mm thanks to its conical reflectors
To make a high-output LED light, first, the high-intensity LEDs are positioned in a highly dense, staggered arrangement. Furthermore, by using conical reflectors, it is possible to make use of the entirety of the light generated by the LEDs. This enables high-intensity lighting with long LWD, which was difficult with conventional LED lights. Also, a mirror surface finish is applied to the entirety of the lighting area, which enables effective use of even the illumination that is returned to the inside of the light by the protective cover or diffusion plate. When not using a diffusion plate, light with sufficient brightness can be emitted even with an LWD of 3000 mm. *
- Check in advance whether the light intensity is sufficient for the actual usage environment.
Conical reflectors